GSW for Librarians

Improving the way your institution does research

High-Quality, Peer-Reviewed Geoscience Content

GSW’s platform provides seamless access to trusted content that researchers consider essential for advancing Earth Science research

Access impactful research

One platform gives uses access to 210k full-text articles from 53 journals and 2,300+ eBooks

Search by location

OpenGeoSci allows users to pinpoint key areas and conduct map-based searches

Integrate your holdings

Our extensive geoscience content easily meshes with your other library layered databases

Authenticate instantly

Subscribers gain immediate access via IP address, institutional ID, or society membership

Explore with OpenGeoSci

OpenGeoSci is a free map-based toolset that allows users to:

GSW Provides Access to

GeoScienceWorld journals and ebook collections

225k+ Articles

GSW’s journals collection provides access to 54 top-tier journals from 39 global publishing societies. Subscribers receive perpetual access to journal articles published while subscribed, and the GSW Archive Collection (1905–1999) continues to grow as new backfiles are added, providing lasting value.

2,500+ eBooks

GSW eBook collections provide integrated, high-value, full-text content with the convenience of a download. The complete collection includes years 1926–2023. Over 39,000 book chapters are currently available from our 16 society publishers, with new titles and publishers added on an ongoing basis, , including new titles from EAGE and MAC.

4.6m GeoRef Records

GSW is powered by GeoRef, the most authoritative abstracting and indexing database in the geosciences. The GeoRef integration is essential to providing the most comprehensive research experience possible. Featuring nearly 40,000 controlled vocabulary terms, the GeoRef Thesaurus is indispensable for increasing the accuracy and relevance of search results. This taxonomy helps users find related content with a single search by automatically including terms you may not have otherwise thought to search, but are relevant to your topic. 

Covering the geology of North America from 1666 to the present and the geology of the rest of the world from 1933 to the present, the GeoRef database includes references to all publications of the U.S. Geological Survey, as well as masters’ theses and doctoral dissertations from U.S. and Canadian universities.

GSW Society Partners

GSW provides a platform and publishing services for 39 trusted scholarly societies in the Earth Sciences. Our high-value, curated research platform provides seamless access to journals and books that researchers consider essential to advance geosciences.

Benefits of GSW

GeoScienceWorld provides academic libraries with the fulltext journals, eBooks, and GeoRef data that faculty and students need for conducting Earth Science research. Libraries value GSW services for our:

As an independent and not-for-profit organization, GSW partners with society publishers to serve the information and content needs of academic libraries, educators, authors, and researchers.

GSW strives to protect the viability and independence of society publishing programs while prioritizing content value and discoverability for the libraries we serve.

GSW delivers content from all of our society partners in one place. Full-text journals, eBooks, GeoRef bibliographic data, and OpenGeoSci mapping functions work together on one platform. This integrated approach delivers an easy to use interface.

The GSW Research Platform averages 11 million annual pageviews, serving more than 61,000 society members. 97% of platform subscribers renew every year.

GSW is powered by GeoRef, the most authoritative abstracting and indexing database in the geosciences. It covers the geology of North America from 1666 and the geology of the rest of the world from 1933 to the present. GeoRef further connects publications of the U.S. Geological Survey, as well as masters’ theses and doctoral dissertations from U.S. and Canadian universities.

The GeoRef Thesaurus aligns nearly 40,000 controlled vocabulary terms into the GeoRef database and is an indispensable taxonomy tool for returning relevant and related content with a single search

The Earth Science content on GeoScienceWorld includes the extensive GSW Archive Collection. Spanning 1905-1999, the growing archive continues to expand and now includes the complete AAPG Bulletin backfile and expanded backfiles from Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum.

One dashboard lists full eBook and journal subscriptions and allows administrators to update their user access options. COUNTER and SUSHI usage reports are also available for download. Lastly, GSW is aligned with DOI and OpenURL standards and compliant with sections 508 and W3C.